Greetings to all of you guys.. As a mature woman, I stand before you as your Dubai escort woman. I also want to tell you the story of how I got here. Because it will also help you get to know me. Actually, I did not start to provide this service to you at a very young age. Actually, I started to provide sexual intercourse services to you a year ago. I was a married woman. It was really wonderful and beautiful in my marriage. My sex life, especially in my marriage, was perfect. I’m already a horny woman myself, my wife was a very horny man. That’s why, except for my period, no night went by without having sex. Since we could not have sexual intercourse when I was on my period, I was giving oral sex to my husband.
Because we both wanted each other every second of every moment. Of course, I lost my wife two years ago as a result of a traffic accident. Of course, those were very difficult days for me. I couldn’t understand what my life was like because of the pain in the beginning. Then, when my pain eased a little and I started to live a normal life, I faced the fact that I was alone in my sexual life. That’s where I actually decided to be an escort woman that day. Because I was never used to going a day without sex. Of course, I didn’t want to remarry or have a relationship with someone after my husband. That’s why I decided to offer you a sexual intercourse service.